What Is Restful Yoga?
Restful yoga is about nourishing the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS) to allow the body to repair naturally.
These sequences help to unwind tension in the vital organs and nourish the Adrenal Glands (our kick starters of fight or flight), severely overworked in our culture of ‘over doing’. Many poses help regulate the hormones and rejuvenate the body systems. Poses are held for a length of time and awareness is on the natural breath.
We refer to the practice as ‘restful yoga’ and the aim is to feel well rested, mentally clearer and generally calmer, whilst at the same time gently expanding muscles, ligaments and joints to be more open and flexible. Cultivating stillness in the mind, restful yoga is transformative for burn out, exhaustion and a feeling of being overwhelmed.
Our Classes
The classes of Restorative Yoga are a gentle way to begin self care. These classes are always perfect for all levels. All poses can be adapted to suit individual needs as every pose needs to feel comfortable even in a stretch. In restorative we never feel the need to strive or achieve or feel any discomfort in the body. The Restorative classes include breathing, relaxing poses to achieve certain outcomes from lifting energy as well as unwinding tension to deep nourishment for the adrenals and nervous system, Meditation and wisdom.
Groups in studio or on retreat are always small to ensure maximum support and attention for each student. Zoom classes have detailed instructions and time at the end to debrief or ask questions.
Private session are always available to determine what is ideal for your body and personal journey. Individual attention to enjoy meditations and perfect poses for you as well as instruction in the use of props to enhance your experience.