When you visit https://restfulyogaandtherapy.com details of your visit may be logged in the following ways:
- Standard web server logging
- Google Analytics. Google Analytics uses cookies to accumulate analytics data. This analytics data is used for the purpose of determining the volume and types of usage of the Restful Yoga & Therapy web site. Details of Googles usage of this data may be found at https://policies.google.com/technologies/partner-sites
- Error logging generated by components of the Restful Yoga & Therapy web site, which may occur from time-to-time.
Information logged may include, but may not be limited to:
- Your IP address
- Time and date of access
- Page or asset (image, video, etc) accessed
- Web browser user agent identifier
Contact Form
If you contact us via our Contact form, we also store the following information which you provide via the contact form:
- Your name
- Your email address
- The content of your message
If you require further details about the information we collect, please contact us via our Contact form.